Tuesday, September 29, 2009

You Deserve A Bright, White SMILE!

A smile is one of the most noticeable qualities when looking at another person. Of course we all know that inner beauty is the most important beauty, but everyone knows that we are all judged initially on our outward appearance. Our smile is a big part of the impression we make upon others. A bright, white smile makes a statement about you, and tells everyone you meet that you care about yourself and your appearance. Brightening your teeth will have an incredible effect on your self-esteem as well. You can gently and effectively brighten your smile in just one sitting... Kurz Family & Cosmetic Dentistry can make your smile beautiful!
We have both an in-office whitening option and an at-home treatment. Our in-office procedure is fast, effective and convenient. Have a noticeably whiter smile in only an hour! You will also receive a take-home touch up whitening kit, so you can continue to brighten your smile. You can use your new Opalescence at-home bleaching kit as needed until your desired whiteness is achieved.
For a limited time only, we are offering significant savings on our teeth whitening treatment. Receive a full in-office treatment and a take-home touch up kit for just $350 for an individual (reg. $450) or just $450 for two individuals (reg. $900). Contact Us now to schedule your appointment.