We know there are lots of medical conditions and ailments that are associated with aging. Unfortunately gum disease is one of those conditions that become more prominent with old age. New research from Queen Mary, University of London in collaboration with research teams in the U.S. may be able to help explain why this is the case.
The study, published in Nature Immunology, explains that reduced levels of the chemical Del-1 in seniors are related to gum deterioration. Del-1 impacts the immune system, which in turns impacts your body’s ability to fight off gum disease. Making this connection can help researchers find possible treatments for preventing gum disease in seniors.
As people age they are more likely to suffer from many inflammatory diseases, including gum disease. The negative effects of gum disease can be pervasive and include tooth loss so increased research in this area is definitely a positive thing.
As a part of gum disease prevention, be sure to visit your dentist regularly for dental exams, x-rays and teeth cleanings. Our patient’s dental health is a top priority. Call us if you have questions or gum disease or if you would like to schedule an appointment.
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