Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dental Care During Pregnancy | The Dacula Dentist

Many people don’t know that pregnancy actually makes your teeth and gums more susceptible to plaque buildup, gingivitis and infections.  So it is of great importance to pay close attention to caring for your teeth and gums during this sensitive time. 

Research has shown that pregnant women were more likely have bleeding gums when compared to non-pregnant women.  Research also shows that hormonal changes during pregnancy make the mom-to-be more susceptible to gingivitis. There was also a correlation between a woman having periodontitis during pregnancy and an increased risk of preeclampsia during delivery.

To help ensure your dental health during pregnancy, be sure to brush two-three times daily, floss daily and see your dentist once per trimester so they can catch any potential problems early.  Mommy and babies health are tied together in so many ways and dental health is no exception.

If you have additional questions on keeping your teeth healthy during pregnancy, feel free to contact us. Your dental health is our priority.  We want to be your dentist!

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