Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Holiday Dental Care For Kids | The Dacula Dentist

Let’s face it. One of the things our children love most about the holidays is the treats. The candy canes, cakes, peppermints and cookies keep them smiling all season long. All these treats can be hard on their teeth though. Tooth decay is the most common dental problem seen in children. So how can we help them protect their tiny teeth during the holidays? Here are a few tips that may help you prevent your child from damaging their teeth during the holidays:

LOOK FOR TREATS THAT HAVE LESS SUGAR: The more sugar, the higher the risk of tooth decay. Try to test out tasty treats that have less or no sugar, including nuts, dark chocolate and exotic fruits. If you get create and introduce these treats in fun and holiday themed ways, you may be surprised at how responsive your little one may be.

SAVE TREATS UNTIL AFTER DINNER: Make sure your child has a full meal, including a pre-dinner salad before offering them a holiday sweet. They will have much less room in their stomachs to over indulge on them after a complete dinner.

HAVE THEM BRUSH AND FLOSS AFTER A TREAT: Make it a requirement for future treats that they floss and brush after they have candy or sweets. It helps them build up a long term healthy habit and will reduce the decaying effects that the sugar can have on their teeth.

KEEP THE CANDY OUT OF REACH: Put fake candy canes on the tree and holiday candy out of their reach. If you leave it accessible to your kids, they will surely take advantage and over indulge.

Although it may not be easy to cut back on the holiday treats for your little ones, it is important to protect their teeth all year long. Their holiday break from school is also a great time to schedule a dental exam and cleaning as well. Be sure that their dentist reinforces the same healthy habits that you are promoting at home. If you have more questions on keeping your children’s teeth healthy, call us today. We want to be your dentist!

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Kurz Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
P: 770-904-6088
E: Smiles@KurzFamilyDentistry.com
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