Does the thought of biting into an ice cream cone or ice cube make your cringe? If it does, then you probably have sensitive teeth. It can be so uncomfortable just eating or drinking everyday things when your teeth are hypersensitive. You may even be bothered by brushing or flossing. Luckily there are some things you can do to help ease the pain. Here are a few tips for dealing with teeth sensitivity:
BRUSH GENTLY WITH A SOFT BRISTLE TOOTHBRUSH – If you brush to aggressively and use hard bristled toothbrushes, you may be wearing down your teeth’s protective layers. When that protection is depleted temperature extremes, pressure or acidic foods can really cause a lot of discomfort.
REDUCE PLAQUE BUILD UP – Plaque buildup on teeth can actually wear down your protective enamel. Brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily are critical to reducing plaque buildup. You should also be visiting your dentist for a dental cleaning at least twice a year as well.
SKIP OR SWITCH THE MOUTHWASH – Many mouthwashes contain alcohol and other chemical compounds that can strip your tip of some of its natural protection. You may want to switch to a more gentle or natural mouthwash or stop using mouthwash all together.
These are just a few tips that may help you reduce your teeth’s sensitivity. We also recommend that you see your dentist and address this issue specifically. If you have more questions on teeth sensitivity, feel free to give us a call. We make dental health a priority and welcome you as a new patient.
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